The most helpful thing you can do is provide feedback: what you liked, what you didn’t, what you’d like to hear more of, &c. Use the Contact page or directly email me at
Some of you have asked about directly supporting the program: you can do so by sending me a donation through PayPal using the same address:
(For your reference, the podcast costs between $15 and $20 each month to host. I’m happy to do this on my own; if you want to chip in, that’s the scale we’re talking about.)
Treble’s Going merchandise is handled through TEEPUBLIC, an external producer and vendor. Treble’s Going does not handle any ordering, payment, production, shipping, or customer service.
Enter the Treble’s Going store at TEEPUBLIC. (Opens in new tab.)
I will admit to finding TEEPUBLIC unintuitive to navigate. Following the link will bring you to a page that centrally displays “designs.” A sidebar on the left is where you click in to “t-shirts” or “sweatshirts” or “stickers,” for instance.
t-shirt style 1 t-shirt style 2 baseball-style t-shirt crew neck sweatshirt hooded sweatshirt
laptop case sticker (laptop not included) notebook (stitch-bound also available) phone case
Where Does the money go?
Proceeds from merchandise sales (roughly 1/4 of purchase price) will be used to defray monthly operating costs. Should proceeds ever exceed operating costs, the excess will be donated to charity:water.