Episode 020: Marjorie Winter, Part II
This is part two of a two-part interview with Marjorie Winter. Part one was episode 18 of Treble’s Going.
- Marj started ringing as part of the Whitechapel Guild [Washington Post article] at the National Cathedral School in Washington, DC.
- From there to Smith College for lunchtime quarter peals in hand and trips all around southern New England.
- Marj describes ringing in and around the US and England, through different stages of life, making friends and memories along the way.
- Taking traveling with a band to its extreme, Marj shares with us two trips to teach and ring in Singapore, and her appreciation of the teaching skills taught by the Association of Ringing Teachers.
- These days, though, you’ll find her ringing with the 5 O’Clock Club [bellboard link].
Thank you, friends.
Bells: Kent School ca. 2003, unknown band.