Episode 017: Douglas Kitson on Ringing in Quebec City

  • Douglas Kitson is a teacher and ringer in Quebec City, whose first awareness of ringing came during his childhood in Australia.
  • Douglas first learned to handle in Quebec, but rang his first two quarters on the same day after a week of intensive practice in London!
  • Mostly, though, we talk about the ringing at Holy Trinity Cathedral and at St. Matthew’s Bell Tower; about how it started and about how it’s progressed through the years.
  • These days, Douglas is ringing plenty of minimus/covered singles or singly chiming for services, as restrictions on congregating allow. But as thing ease up, be sure to clear Memorial Day weekend for a trip to Quebec City, and perhaps study up on ringing “Sixty on Thirds” (no relation).

Thank you, friends.

Bells: Kent School ca. 2003, unknown band.