Episode 006: Laura Goodin on Teaching Online

  • Laura Goodin is a writer and a ringer and, luckily for all of us, a remote teacher of ringing.
  • Laura first tried her hand at ringing at St. Andrew’s, Enfield (Dove’s listingheritage listing). She now rings at the St. James Old Cathedral in Melbourne, Australia.
  • Laura is also the founder of the Ringing Room Take-Hold Lounge, a public Facebook group (no login necessary to view/read) where hundreds of ringers coordinate online practices, performances, and classes.
  • [Note that while the Take-Hold Lounge is premised on the use of Ringing Room (UK serverNA server), interested ringers may want to look at either Handbell Stadium (motion-controller inputs, Unity engine) or Muster (Abel/Beltutor/Beltower P2P coordination) as alternatives. The three are fundamentally-different technologies, designed to serve different audiences and priorities.]
  • That’s right, classes! In this episode we mainly discuss a class Laura’s been teaching introductory ringing, completely online. But that’s not all being organized in the Take-Hold Lounge: as of release, a workshop on calls in Plain Bob Doubles has just concluded, and we hear Laura pondering a class introducing Grandsire.
  • Finally, Laura tells us a bit about St. James Old Cathedral’s upcoming Festival of Bells; to let her know if you incorporate any of these ideas into your next event!
  • Finally, I ask you to please consider providing feedback on these first six episodes in this survey.

Thank you, friends.

Bells: Kent School ca. 2003, unknown band.

2 Replies to “Episode 006: Laura Goodin on Teaching Online”

  1. Victoria Chapman

    Hi – I am one of Laura’s students. I’ve never touched a bell in my life (the closest tower is a 90 minute drive up a rather scary hill).

    If someone had told me I was going to learn change ringing during lockdown, I would have stared at them blankly, and then laughed. But, here I am, about to go to start learning plain hunt.

    While I like the sound, its the permutational mathematics that do it for me.

  2. Barb Pence

    I participated in Laura’s first virtual class and have moved on to the second set of classes. It’s been a wonderful experience.

    I rang with a handbell choir as a youth and then attended a church with a carillon. When I heard about the virtual class for tower bell ringing, I was excited to participate.

    Laura is an organized and well informed teacher. She is patient and encouraging. Her class notes have been super helpful for preparing for each class. Laura’s experience and love of bell ringing is inspiring. I am thankful to have this experience.

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